show at president obama's prayer breakfast last week and dr. carson explained his point of view yesterday on "fox & friends" weekend. >> i'm not a democrat. i'm not a republican. i'm an independent. if there was a party called the logic party, i would be a member of that because there are so many things that are idealcally driven in washington, d.c., that coupled with the fact that we've now started a fourth branch of government known as special interest, basically anything that doesn't make any sense, it's because of the special interest group involved. we need to get back to a point where we're for and by the people and we need to do things beneficial for the people. and we've just totally gotten away from that. >> steve: he's right. will washington get the message? let's talk to don peels, a real estate entrepreneur and a fund-raiser for president obama. joins us live in our new york studio. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: the "wall street journal" had an editorial on saturday. it said ben carson for president because of what he said at the