other quadruple amputees up at walter reed. they're recovering and about 300 overall have lost limbs from these wars. brepd dan marrocco is shown here before his surgery in a new home built by a group called homes for heroes in staten island where he is from. his house was damaged by hurricane sandy but he says it is being rebuilt. patti ann? patti ann: a lot to go through. how long before he might be able to use his arms? >> reporter: well it is very interesting. his doctors described how he is going to gain about an inch of nerve and feeling every month. so this just happened, this surgery just happened on december 18th and so, he has some feeling. he started to move his arms. this is what his doctor, andrew lee, just said. >> brandon will also engage in intensive hand therapy which he already began a week after transplant. because the nerves regenerate at the maximum speed of one inch per month,

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Group ,Surgery ,Brepd Dan Marrocco ,Home ,Limbs ,Wars ,Amputees ,Walter Reed ,Homes ,Heroes ,300 ,Patty Patti Ann ,Reporter ,Lot ,Arms ,House ,Doctors ,Hurricane Sandy ,Staten Island ,Feeling ,Andrew Lee ,Nerve ,December 18th ,18 ,Transplant ,Nerves ,Speed ,Hand Therapy ,Brandon Marrocco ,One ,

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