against new gun laws. they testified today at a hearing of the connecticut legislature's task force on gun violence. it is debating how to respond to the shooting spree that killed 26 people, including 20 first graders at sandy hook elementary. the mother of 6-year-old noah positer says she supports a new assault weapons ban. >> weapons designed to inflict as much lethal damage as possible have no place in the hands of civilians. and ought to be restricted to law enforcement and the military. the equation is terrifyingly simple. faster weapons equal more fatalities. >> shepard: that's one opinion. but the father of 6-year-old james matoli or i should say matioli. instead of new laws we need to do a better job of enforcing the ones we already have. >> is one more law, i don't care if you named it james' law, i don't want it i believe in simple, few gun laws. i think we have more than enough on the books.