public dole, taxpayers were some way shape and form and not called off for it. >> worse than. they have the arrogance to borrow the rest. continue to borrow it not worry at bawl. while their entire families are benefiting from that that's what we talk about the permanent political class. look at incentives. work on wall street. where are the incentives. >> sean: follow the money, steve. >> follow the money. if you follow it see no incentive to cut budget and no incentive to shrink the permanent government. both political parties benefiting. >> sean: did you find people in your investigation that actually do the right thing, people that have higher standards? >> there were a few. >> sean: there are a few? >> you are instilling confidence. >> there are a few, sean. the reality is is it is very hard for those individuals to rise in seniority in either party because the horse trading and the benefiting of family members that takes place is really what helps you gain in seniority and climb in