let's just say it's an empowering, amazing place and one study i read showed that when people are on loin, adjusting their own photo, putting the best out there and their happy status updates, their mood is elevated. their he have esteem goes up. listen, bill, millions of teens and adolescents are using it responsibly. it's helping them maintain friendships, enhancing the friendships they have. i'm very immersed in it, so is my 14-year-old daughter, facebook and twitter. that's the way we stay connected with extended family far away. i think -- >> bill: now, i don't like this word empower. i just think that's one of these like dopey words that people throw around. but again, i don't go on facebook. i don't know what you people are doing. how does it empower someone to go on there? how does that empower a 13-year-old? >> well, first of all, so many kids are almost shut ins now adays. remember in our day when we wanted to go have a play date, we would walk out and go knock on somebody's door.