privacy. generally we don't want to be the one releasing information about students. we expect them to when it's appropriate to do it. >> well te'o claimed that somebody tricked him online and pretended to be his girlfriend. did it for years, in fact, then it appears he referred to her during interviews after he knew she did not exist. of course, te'o led the irish to the national title game some experts say he could be a first round pick in the upcoming nfl draft. at the moment we're left with many unanswered questions. mike tobin live tonight with more in our newsroom in chicago. mike, the stuff we do know again doesn't seem to add up now, does it? >> it doesn't add up when you look at the dates, bill. remember, december 6th this is the date that te'o and the university say he first learned there was got a phone call from the supposed dead girl's phone number. still, december the 8th. he did an interview with a web site in that interview he talked about losing his grandmother and his girlfriend to cancer. december the 9th he did an