>> eric: psychoing is not a sport -- cycling is not a sport? >> bob: not if you jack yourself up to do it. there is money involved here. a lot of money. a lawsuit that they may or may not join. it will cost armendariz and his sponsors a lot of money. >> kimberly: $35 million. >> eric: barry bonds or mark mcgwire or any of the football players caught juicing i don't see them raising hundreds of millions of dollars for cancer research. saving people's lives. >> andrea: but based on a lie. the livestrong based on a lie. he could have never donebe what he did. now we know he did it fraudulently. this is a bigger theme. last week, not one player inducted in the hall of fame. lance armstrong cheating. cheating in sports. cheating on wall street. cheating everywhere in this country. what is it telling the children? you get reward and go on oprah. that's nice.