spending cuts are not the way to go, raising more revenue, more taxes is? >> oh, look i'm certain that is coming. there is no question in my mind that is coming but i can also assure you, bill, what is coming from the other side in the long run that hurts economic growth. in the long run that will bring about less revenue rather than more. what you're doing there you're taking money away from job creators. ultimately you will kill jobs that will bring about less revenue and everyone hurts as a result of that. it is not just those at the top end of the economic scale. it is those along every end of the spectrum and especially those who are hard-working americans living paycheck it paycheck. that is who those tax increases really hurt. in the end the government loses as well. bill: senator, thank you for your time because as we're asking these questions and trying to get answers we have i can wering -- breaking news that will provide more answers. thank you, mike lee. martha: that may be the case. we're learning president obama will hold his first