whether they were married and who they were with. i printed this list out, it came to ten pages printed out. only people listed who were injured or killed inside that theater on july 20th, 2012. jenna: some important perspective for us today, thank you. we'll continue to watch this case. jon: vice president joe biden all over the news this week in a push to reduce gun violence. the topic is getting a lot of attention after the deadly shaol shooting i shooting in newtown, connecticut and the theater massacre this summer. has coverage by the news media been fair? piers morgan got into a shouting match with alex jones during a heated debate on the second amountment. gabrielle giffords and her husband retired astronaut mark kelly sitting down with a lot of air time, launching a new group aimed at fighting the gun lobby. the des moines register published an opinion column endorsing the death of gun owners, quote if some people