whether or not the person who is buying the gun, that is not an attack on weapon. that is going after the person to find out whether or not they meet the right qualifications in terms of criminal record and mental health and all of that. another thing i think that they're going to go after which will be controversial would be high-capacity magazines, 30 rounds, 100 rounds. those kinds of things. but, the indication in "the times" today they may be pulling back in terms of an all-out fight to try to ban assault weapons. martha: and i think that may surprise some people. i mean the polls show that a lot of americans are in favor of an assault weapons ban. we know the background of it is the last time they tried it didn't make a difference in the numbers in terms of murders in this country but it is interesting to me that the bushmaster weapon that was used in connecticut is one of the most popular weapons in america right now in terms of gun sales and semiautomatic handguns, also very, very popular. so there is a big division