executive ax and go around congress. the head of the biggest group of conservatives in the republican house majority complained, quote: vice president biden would do well to read the second amendment and revisit the meaning of the phrase shall not be infringed. bypassing congress to implement radical policies is never acceptable and heinous when such actions trample bill of rights. very tough stuff shep and it's not going to stop. >> >> shepard: this task force looking at movies and video games too. >> the vice president is meeting with the national picture association. national association of broadcasters and groups like that. tomorrow it's video game industry for violent don't. worth noting, shep, the last two days have been about the second amendment and right to bear arms. tomorrow is going to be about the first amendment and the trite bear free speech. >> carl cammeron in washington. thank you. a judge in colorado has not jet ruled that there is enough today go avenue head with trial against the suspect in last year's shooting movie massacre in colorado. courts close for the day.

Related Keywords

Quote Vice President Biden ,Republican ,Congress ,Group ,Head ,Second Amendment ,Conservatives ,Executive Ax ,Phrase ,Meaning ,House Majority ,Shepard The Legendary Nfl Linebacker Junior Sue Seau ,Vice President ,Rights ,Stuff Shep ,Bill ,Video Games ,Policies ,Actions ,Movies ,Task Force ,Shep ,Meeting ,Groups ,National Association Of Broadcasters ,Amendment ,Violent Don T ,Video Game Industry ,Arms ,Picture Association ,Worth ,Two ,Suspect ,In Washington ,Trial ,Judge ,Courts ,Go Avenue Head ,Free Speech ,Jet ,Carl Cammeron ,Shooting Movie Massacre In Colorado ,

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