symbol only a piece of cloth and didn't mean anything. the act was repeated in several classes. the teacher has been put on leave. >> a lot of men and women have died for that symbol. we will hear more about that that's for sure. >> let the 2016 talks resume. hillary clinton fuelling more rumors about a white house bid when she was asked if she was retiring from politics. >> i don't know if that's the word i would use, but certainly stepping off the very fast track for a little while. >> president obama nominated democratic senator john kerry to replace clinton. >> it is a ginning you wijungle. >> 911, what is your emergency? >> i am driving down the street before the view and there's a lion that ran across the street. a baby lion. it was about the size of a labrador retriever. >> well, it was not a lion it was a labradoodle.

Related Keywords

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