>> helping people recover. >> greta: and that's-- this of course is now. aig considering joining a 25 billion dollar lawsuit against the very people who saved the company, that of course is the taxpayers. and that does mean you. that's right, as a thank you for the 182 billion dollar bailout to save their neck, they say sue the federal government. and michael, tell me why are they thinking of suing the federal government, the taxpayers? >> sure. so, aig is actually saying that they're being asked whether to join this lawsuit that was filed by their former chief executive, a man named maurice greeneberg, who has cue sued, arguing that the rescue of aig violated shareholders rights and was too punitive and punished them too much. and so, he sued the government and basically asked aig to come in and represent him and other shareholders as well. >> greta: well, this is-- it lit everybody on fire on a bipartisan basis, but on greta