know, because they are still running the joint, if speaker boehner is going to sort of being their mouth-piece feeling with president obama, are we going to be more ey ideologically divided. >> i say to the boys in the graphics temperature get the government shutdown clocks, make sure they're limber, i think we're going to need them. >> megyn: thanks, chris, good to see you. back to chris and washington when-- we'll see. the bottom line, if you get 17 no votes and he doesn't win speaker, and then they just vote again and who else is it going to be? so, anyway, we'll take you there when history is made and if you care to watch every single person call out the name, there's always c-span. in the meantime, there's new controversy following former vice-president al gore's decision to sell his cable news corporation, current tv, ever heard of it? no, most people haven't.