possibly the most heartbreaking casualties here in all of this, the dozens of american families, very close to adopting russian children. families who have made numerous trips to russia to bond with these children may now never get a chance to bring them to the united states. gregg? gregg: sort of a sad story. amy kellogg live in london. amy, thanks. patti ann: have plans for the new year? we hope they include fox news's "all american new year"'s eve starting 11:00 p.m. eastern time on new year's eve. megyn kelly and bill hemmer will bring you the event live from times square along with greg gutfeld. and many others. type the letter u, text, all one word, leave a space and type a brief message and send it to 36288. utext, space, your message and 36288. watch your message on new year's eve with megyn and bill. gregg: a close call for a surfer off the coast of