cronkite, brokaw, and rather who were committed left wingers. >> and cop tell you might as well add me. >> bill: you know, i think you were in a daze all the time. i don't think you interfered that much. i was at abc. i heard the scuttlebutt but you. you weren't a big interferer, you weren't. jennings didn't like all that ideology. he didn't. that's why i didn't bring his name up. >> i would rather you criticizing me because your compliments are more damaging. >> bill: i have got to tell the truth. >> bill, what is it that you think i have said about the network or written about the network. >> bill: you think we have corrupted the sanctity of fair news coverage that's what i think. >> i think ideological coverage of the news, be it of the right or be of it of the left has created a political reality in this country which is bad for america. i think it's made it difficult, if not impossible