happen starting this coming sunday t could be crippling. which means they will sell it fast. heather: neither said no to renewing talks. the national trade associations, they have even appealed to president obama use the taft-hartley injunction to hold off this strike for 80 days. >> reporter: right. to force them to get back to the table and negotiate. you have to wonder how this will turn out. i wish them luck on both sides. heather: thank you so much, dennis. >> reporter: thank you, heather the. gregg: snow, rain, freezing drizzle making it a pretty tough ride to grandma's house today. we're live at the world's busiest airport with the very latest straight ahead. heather: no peace in the middle east as fighting gets worse at a country already coming apart at the seams. report how the situation in syria is heading downhill fast. [sirens]