publicity stunt. that gave me the idea. >> all three had their own lawyers. john irwin's attorney was gladys root is, known for wearing outlandish hats to court. >> she was a piece of. she was. >> she claimed the whole thing was a hoax orchestrated by frank, jr. purely for publicity. in the trial transcript obtained by fox files root labeled the kidnapping an advertising scheme and planned contractual agreement. the sinatra family was outraged. >> i remember it mostly being oh he fended and stunned by -- offended and stunned by the lawyer gladys root. she knew that once you ring that bell it is rung. >> in his opening statement, keenan's lawyer also blamed sinatra saying that "the actions of frank sinatra, jr. are suspect of chicanery from start to finish. >> kidnapping a a hoax and

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John Irwin ,Attorney ,Publicity Stunt ,Hats ,Lawyers ,Court ,Idea ,Piece Of ,Gladys Root Is ,Three ,Kidnapping ,Jr ,Thing ,Sinatra Family ,Publicity ,Inside Frank ,Trial Transcript ,Hoax ,Agreement ,Advertising Scheme ,Fox Files Root ,Gladys Root ,Opening Statement ,Bell ,Frank Sinatra ,Barry Keenan ,Lawyer ,Actions ,Chicanery ,Suspect ,Kidnapping Aa Hoax ,

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