>> dana: like there was a class action lawsuit, they found it four years ago and you get $10. >> bob: you are an analogy man. >> greg: can i make a point? >> eric: >> bob: no. she should testify for one reason. it will start in the house. house cut back on state department. >> eric: now it's us. >> bob: sure. >> eric: your point? >> greg: thrill is something called fox news dismissal syndrome. if we cover something really well, other networks won't because they think that is fox news. they don't. nay dismiss it and niss news. i feel like if you're fox news don't cover it. >> eric: pull up the last full screen i have. this is senator feinstein who made this quote. press release that had me scratching my head. look at the second paragraph. secretary of state clinton has done the right thing accepting and implementing the board's recommendation. you led in to that. she has done the right thing, but five months later. four dead americans.