of the killers. you didn't, showed their pictures, not their names. don't give them credit. that was a good point. a lot of us tried to adhere to that. completely lost in this case. we better get it back. jon: alan, what is your feeling? is the media a part of this crimes? >> it is hard to say. jim makes very good points whether publicity could inspire somebody to do some heinous act. on the other hand we live in an open society with a media whose job it is to report the news. i don't know how the media can do its job unless the media is given the freedom to express itself and give the full story. i think there's also a fascination to want to know who are the people who commit these heinous crimes. what are they like? what inspires them to do it? what motivates them? what is the mind like. it gives us a rounder picture. because we know who it is and what they are thinking and what issues may go into them committing these