think. it wasn't too many years ago that we were talking about harry belafonte comments about condoleezza rice and even colin powell when he said they were living in the house of the master. he wasn't joking then. he may be overstated a little bit maybe for him. >> bill: is he emboldened. >> of course. >> bill: nobody cares about harry belafonte. >> that song is in my head ruining the christmas season banana boat. >> bill: sun goes down. i like that song. i used him not because he has credibility and that is he somebody that people listen to, but to give you an example of what is being said in the salons at the huffington post. these people are going, you know what? if you oppose president obama now and you oppose the secular progressive agenda we're going to deal with you. look, the attacks on me, look, i have a stack of news clips all over the country because how dare o'reilly, how dare he stand in our way and point

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