people don't. >> they don't, earth that. the war on christmas. you fought the great battle, you won the battle, let's move on. is there something else you want to talk about. >> bill: i'm not going to move on. it's symbolic of the culture war. >> what culture war. >> bill: you don't believe culture war. you don't believe secular. >> traditional and secular americans? so secular americans are not traditional americans? is that what you are suggesting. >> bill: no they want change. secular progressives want to change the country. >> it's mind boggling to me. >> bill: it's mind boggling. >> yeah your radio commentary for example was beyond belief. gay marriages. do you know that a majority of americans favor gay marriage. >> bill: i don't oppose gay marriage i'm not saying that i'm saying it's a issue defined as civil rights. >> you say a lot of people are against gay marriage. >> not majority. >> half the country. >> people who oppose it are mostly black