madness that will force them to parrot things they don't believe in. >> while hitting them after the class. you know what is really culture insensitive? the very idea of sororities and fraternities themselves. >> that's why i only did two years and got out. >> this greek system that you so love, greek americans should be petitioning outside of your sorority house right now. what would you have us believe? you would have us believe all greek americans run around in togas and drink their face-off and date rape and smoke weed. you guys are disgusting. >> whoa have to take a break on that -- we have to take a break. coming up, what are the keys to international diplomacy? john bolton discusses his new book "i let my mustache do the talking." and first, who is the most overpaid actor in hollywood? i don't know. i am more of a fan of the german art.