fiscal cliff. they are saying don't fan panic about it. that many more households affected they are likely to come to some sort of agreement by the end of the year. >> that's good nis. why should we pay for next semester's tuition before the end of the year? >> you are still eligible for the tax credit even if you pay the spring semester tuition. this is something heather that could come off the table in the new year. even though you are paying 2013 spring semester you can do it by the end of the year and still be eligible. >> that's for college? >> that's for college. >> tell us about the 529 education savings account. >> this is tax free savings. when you deduct out of that account to pay for tuition that's a big benefit. so 401 k's, 529 plans, tax free shelters for your dollars something to take advantage before december 31st. >> everybody needed to hang on to every penny.

Related Keywords

Don T ,Fiscal Cliff ,Sort ,Agreement ,Households ,The End ,Ifan Panic ,Penis ,Something ,Table ,Tuition ,Semester ,Spring Semester Tuition ,Tax Credit ,2013 ,Savings ,College ,Spring Semester ,Education Savings Account ,529 ,Everybody ,Plans ,Advantage ,Account ,Shelters ,Benefit ,Penny ,December 31st ,401 ,31 ,

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