we all understand what it is to have a beginning and a middle an an end to a story. >> dr. keith ablow is a psychiatrist and fox news contributor. >> the doomsday scenario is at odds to my mind with religion. in fact it is an anesthetic that relieves people of needing to take the journey toward self. >> the 2012 doomsday embraces a range of end of time beliefs clearly suggesting a cataclysmic or transform tive event will occur on december 21st, 2012. how did this phenomenon get started? >> the idea of a maya doomsday has been around for at least 25, 30, 40 years. now it builds to a krau shen doe. blame it on the internet. the internet is the analogue tent meetings that used to be held gathered under a big tent where some preacher would tell them about jesus coming to earth. >> the end atraks our attention