on the parade. >> dwaseav you were there, rick. >> rick: all of the macy's confetti are tiny pilifes, iphos edot lanre thied, iphosd tine, tiny pieces. >> alisyn: you smell a rat. somene ody did bring it. >> from elsewhere, somebody shredded. so what if there's a nine digit phone tayoneer. >> oh, well. a name with it? >> let's put yours up on the gsreen right now. >> don tab use my nnwe and we can all make up any nine digit numbers. >> cis nazavon: trby, what are u he doing to do with the. >> alisyn: prank call it. >> claazavon: sign somprepne up for the cheese of the month club. >> rick: if you have my address, i'll gha,e my sat ou f s tlifurity tayoneer. >> clayton: if you put my number on the screen, sign me ono for a cheese of the month. >> lsfir: next few days across the northeast looking cool and aexplep s the coast, in philadels. we might be seeing snow and maybe accomincpating snow nothing over an inch or two, but enough maybe to get you

Related Keywords

Alisyn Cayomerotcamerota ,Macy S ,Rick Reichmuth ,Parade ,Pieces ,Rat ,Dwaseav ,Lanre Thied ,Iphosd Tine ,Iphos Edot ,Somene Ody ,Tiny Pilifes ,Prank Call It ,Name ,Somebody ,Digit Numbers ,Don Tab ,Elsewhere ,Phone Tayoneer ,Nnwe ,Gsreen ,Nine ,Clayton Morris ,Number ,Screen ,Cheese ,Sign Somprepne Up ,Address ,Claazavon ,Cis Nazavon ,Month Club ,Fs Tlifurity Tayoneer ,E My Sat ,Trby ,Megha ,Me Ono ,Light Snow ,Two ,Snow Nothing ,The Coast ,Aexplep S ,Philadels ,Lsfir ,

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