the u.s. government was talking to and endorsing shin fain tere rhode islands in northern ire hrafpbltd mas abdel hakim al hasady should be part of the process and use it as a buffer against more extreme terrorists as a buffer. jenna: this is something that comes up in our own country as well about directly engaging with terrorists as a possible solution for some of these broader issues. your final thoughts on that. >> my response to him is if hamas wishes to engage in a peace process they need to state so in no uncertain terms. they need to renounce violence and make it clear that they are willing to accept the state of israel. they haven't done it. their charter remains unchanged since 1987. they continue to car remember out acts of violence against israel, stockpile weapons, calls for its destruction makes it very difficult to get to a negotiating table with an actor like that. jenna: a quick thought from jennifer griffin who has more