annex before 4:00 a.m. four mortars were fired at the c.i.a. annex. one killing doherty and woods while they manned a gun position on the roof. they had the coordinates of those firing mortars but no air support was sent. in a radio interview, president obama said he was unaware of any request to increase security around benghazi before the attack occurred. >> my biggest priority right now is bringing the folks to justice. the american people have seen that is a commitment i always keep. >> the president was asked about the administration's shifting story on the origin of the attack. >> what is true is that intelligence was coming in and evolving as more information came up. what is true and this is something that the american people can take to the bank. is that my administration plays this stuff straight. we don't play politics when it comes to american national security. >> late today the c.i.a. responded, "we can say with confidence that the agency reacted quickly to aid our