electoral votes in virginia i think are going to be pointed toward romney. we have tennessee which is light pink. that's. >> north carolina. it's really going to come down to ohio and one other state. today in colorado, romney leads. today in new hampshire romney leads. the race is dead even, my suspicion, by monday in ohio. and we have got a barn burner. >> bill: you are not even talking about florida, which i believe the governor is going to win. >> florida, the reason why i haven't been talking about it i think it's sweeping in the republic column same thing as virginia. five polls thursday through saturday of last week. >> bill: virginia, and the momentum in virginia and florida. this is fair and balanced is going -- the governor's way right now. we don't know about the third the instinct is not doing very much. however, if president obama wins ohio then. it becomes problematic for the governor. right? he has to do an extraordinary amount of winning the --

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Mitt Romney ,Ohio ,Votes ,Virginia ,Estate ,Tennessee ,North Carolina ,Colorado ,Light Pink ,One ,The Drug Ambien ,Reason ,Race ,Florida ,Suspicion ,Monday In Ohio ,New Hampshire ,Barn Burner ,Bill ,It ,Thing ,Way ,Polls ,Column ,Momentum ,Talking ,Republic ,Haven T ,Five ,President Obama ,President ,Instinct ,Amount ,Wins ,

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