bikeoberfst. everything else will be devoted to debate prep. only two events between now and monday so he can get ready for final faceoff against the president on foreign policy, john. we have been reporting for a couple of weeks now that that was there. he will give that speech but not this friday. they need the time for debate prep. so another measure of just how intensely he is getting ready for the final deal with mr. obama on monday. jon? >> carl cammeron in virginia with governor romney. carl, thank you. meantime president obama and governor romney are now clearly putting brand new focus on female voters. and it comes a day after a debate in which the candidates referenced women 30 times in 90 minutes. shannon bream life in washington with more. shannon? >> well, jon, in september, president obama enjoyed a 14-point advantage among likely women voters. but that lead has evaporated.