martha: what is the big line from president obama, doug. >> governor romney your numbers don't add up, your out of touch, the math doesn't work, and governor real people are hurting, particularly women and you're not addressing their concerns. martha: we'll see how it goes. thank you so much. always a pleasure. bill: we'll be sitting here tomorrow thinking what did doug say, what did brad say? jenna lee is hanging out right now. "happening now" rolls your way in 12 minutes. i have one guest that you're covering. jenna: i bet your right, fashion. no i'm just didding. the second presidential debate is big news. we have a countdown running until then. bill, you played some of the footage of past town hall debates. we will be speaking with carol simpson the first woman to mod today rate a presidentia moderate a presidential debate. we'll talk substance that is coming up. hillary clinton says she accepts responsibility for mistakes made after the attack on our consulate in libya and obviously

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