too much for hillary as she woefully mismanaged her campaign. again, no matter. the new president rewarded hillary by appointing her secretary of state. in washington, you see, it's all about jobs, and obama needed bill clinton's support in and connections. over the past four years mrs. clinton has covered the globe, setting a record for most miles traveled by any secretary of state, but miles don't equal competence. a fact made nakedly clear at the u.s. consulate in benghazi last september 11th. because hillary still thinks it takes a village instead of automatic weapons, there were no marines deployed to either the embassy in tripoli or the ben benghazi consulate. in a spasm of foggy idealism, deep faith was entrusted in the unreliable local libya militias and a skeleton security staff. this in a country still immersed in the throes of revolution. it is no secret that the