because you spent so long in that community and still are in intelligence, what does do to our intel community who risk their lives 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, what does it do to morale when you see your leaders, elected officials throwing you under the bus? >> this has been essentially the pattern for the past several years under this administration. there has been a lack and a shifting playing field. when you're in operations and charged with going out there and doing things to protect national security and the rules of the game change for political reasons back home, and you don't feel as if you've got top cover, you know, it's no mystery that morale can something significantly and that's the problem we've got now. >> dave: and mike bake e17 years with the cia. always great to hear your insight. great to have you. >> thank you. >> dave: a surprising drop in september's unemployment rate, does it really mean we're on the road to recovery. one former white house