so i figured out from day 1, i had to get along and work across the aisle. we drove our schools to be number 1 in the nation. we cut taxes 19 time it's. >> jim: what would you do as presidents. e >> in i will sit down on day 1 -- the day after i get elected. i will sit down with the democratic leaders, as well as republicans and continue -- as we did in my state, we met every monday for a couple of hours, talkedded about the issues and the challenges in our state nthat case. we have to work on a collaborative basis, not because we are going to compromise our principle but because there is common ground. the challenge that america faces. look, the reason i am in this race, there are people who are really hurt being. we mase face this dev sate sit that could crush the future generations. what is happening in the middle-east? there are developments around the world that are of real concern and republicans and democrats both love america. but we need to have leadersship, leadership in washington that will bring people together and get the job done and could not care less if it's a republican