a question how the democrats and obama is going to respond. the ad they rolled out after the debate. >> i'm barack obama and i approve this message. >> i'm not in favor of a 5 trillion dollar tax cut. that's not my plan. >> the nan partisan tax policies concluded that mitt romney's tax plan would cost 4.8 billion dollars over ten years. >> why won't romney level with us about his tax plan which gives the wealthy huge new tax breakses according to experts he'd have to raise taxes on the middle class or increase the deficit to pay for it. if we can't trust him here, how can we ever trust him here. >> kim, first of all, i should point out they're using the wall street journal's name in vein, we do not endorse-- we think that tax policy center study is completely bogus, but kim, this suggests to me that they are not changing strategy, they're doubling down on their strategy of going after mitt romney. >> yeah, if you thought it was ugly so far, just hold on.