said do not do this. the republicans had a plan. they put a plan out. they put a bipartisan plan, it was swept aside. i think something this big, this important, has to be done in a bipartisan baitionz. we have to have a president who can reach across the aisle and fashion important legislation with the input of both parties. >> governor romney says this has to be done in a bipartisan basis. this is a bipartisan idea. this was a republican idea. governor romney at the beginning of this debate broke and said, what we did in massachusetts could be a model for the nation. i agree that the democratic legislators in massachusetts might be giving advice to republicans in congress about how to cooperate. but the fact of the matter is, we used the same advisers and they say it's the same plan. when governor romney talks about this board, for example, unelected board that we have created, what this is is a group of health care expert, doctors,