absolutely zero. >> in all fairness, nothing has been done by barack obama. i mean, barack obama hasn't introduced a budget in three years that a democrat would vote for, but paul ryan has. >> greta: if i were a republican right now, i'd be here in washington, saying where's the president? >> but paul ryan has produced budgets, and the democrats say these terrible draconian budgets -- under paul ryan's budget, spending goes up 3% a year, but doesn't go up 4.5% a year like obama wants. >> greta: but senator harry reid won't even put a budget on the floor. >> that's right. not a democratic senator for two years has voted for an obama budget. not one. >> greta: governor, as always, nice to see you, sir. >> thank you, greta. >> greta: coming up, andrew brightbart's final film is out. it's explosive. and also governor chris christie ♪