bottomed out as well. listing of foreclosed properties are down 24% from a year ago, and more than 45% from two years ago. so all these government programs that have been forestalling foreclosures, trying to keep people in their homes have been sort of putting off the clearing process. foreclosures are awful. you don't want to see it, be involved in it, but they serve a purpose. they clear out the inventory. and now that these government programs have mostly failed to do what they were supposed to do, which is to help the housing market recover, these foreclosed properties are moving. that's clearing the inventory and leaving those who want to buy a house without much of a choice. they are forced into sales. so home prices are booming, but sales numbers are going down just a little bit. arthel: okay, david, i like the fact that you get the bad news out of the way. i'm with you on that. >> i'm that kind of guy. arthel: i'm with you on that. thank you, david asman. jon: right now president obama and governor romney's paths set to cross again on the campaign