didn't say anything wrong with the stern thing. you probably would have done it yourself, right? >> sure. why not. you pick a group and have fun with them. you mock them. we have a black president, so that's why they are focusing on african-americans. >> okay. so you and jon stewart hanging out at the emmys which stewart won. did he win for best hair or what did he win for? >> well, we were just back stage in kimmel's dressing room and doing coke and swapping wives and doing the stuff we do. >> bill: didn't have to go to the emmys to do that that's just what you do on the weekend. >> no, just just a sunday night. well, first off, he won his tenth emmy and i saw him back stage and he was so ecstatic because he was like finally i have enough emmys to hold down my pool cover. i remember him saying it like it was yesterday. actually it was yesterday. >> did it ever -- i thought kimmel did a great job. we had fun.