they also have to make money for shareholders after the big bailouts we saw in 2008, shep. these companies are now focused on making money, profitability and that means targeting customers. now, you mentioned it it, 39% of free checking accounts are noninterest accounts. but there are ways that you can certainly put your bank on notice and the biggest thing is tell them that you are going to leave. the problem is, shepard, people don't leave. 72% of those out there surveyed said absolutely i'm going to leave my bank if i am charged with higher fee but they don't. what you say in a poll and what you actually do two different things. bank rate actually showed us, shepard, that data as well. >> shepard: smaller customers get hit the hardest. how do we stay clear of the fees. >> few things, minimum balances. keep a minimum balance over about $700, that's one perfect way to not be hit with these extra fees. also, if you are going to have an atm card go to your own blank. believe it or not, you could be charged almost $5 between