>> bret: i don't want to jump on -- >> until this year. no longer is. >> bret: since we're face the face i don't want to jump on the panel. >> this is why personal meetings are useful. back and forth, bickering, quarreling. >> bret: frank conversation. >> it's shocking. i remember serving in first president bush's administration in '92. he spent three or four days of the general esemiably and the election deal, but we were going down the meetings. he thought it was important. at the end of the gulf war and first gulf war and meeting with leaders. campaign people, me included at the time. can we get out of the meetings with the leaders and start campaigning? he thought he was president of the united states. president of the united states should do. and president obama is discipline and tough guy running for re-election and trying to help the re-election. what helps is a safe speech to the u.n. general assembly. then out of new york, to the campaign. >> bret: another thing that