stop the attack. >> you know something? that doesn't work. we've done this, bill. we've started doing this preemptive apology deal in 2008. we said america was arrogant, dismisssive and dresssive examine -- >> bill: let me ask you, i'm appointing you as the ambassador to egypt. okay? laura ingraham, you're in cairo. you see this mob which is why i don't think congressman ellisson's points of view has any validity. you see this mob gathering. and you know that things are on the horizon and you know that the marines that you have are not enough -- >> let me tell you something. >> bill: what do you do? >> i'm not an expert in diplomacy, i wouldn't pretend to be. but die know that our history of looking weak in the face of threats, real or imminent, has only served to do one thing, bill. embolden those people who don't give a rat's you know what about an internet film. what they care about is the mere presence of jews and christians and what they believe is their -- >> bill: stupid film --