number two making sure the proper folk kiss us on the fact that no violence is justified by speech. violent acts need to be condemned. the statements out of the cry row embassy that seemed to suggest the protests leading up to the attacks or the attacks themselves might have been somehow in context because of a value of free speech back in the united states, those two things are disconnected, and to have the obama administration through the embassy seem to issue what was akin to an apology for that behavior it's right for governor romney to call that out and say that was a mistake, it's a sign of hesitantly, mixed messages and a sign of improper focus by the obama administration. martha: thank you for sticking with us. we've had a lot of moving parts today. we are waiting for the president to speak now. we have to keep it short. we appreciate you being here. bill: on the record today hillary clinton has spoken, so too has governor mitt romney. we will hear from the president live from the rose garden in a matter of minutes in washington