>> brian: first off, julian castro, mayor of san antonio, they're saying look fourth him. what do you know about him? >> by all appearances, he is a talented young leader. he gave a very strong speech and i'm glad he had the opportunity to do so. >> brian: right. and in terms of he's the first keynote speaker. but in terms of you, for example, people are saying look out for ted cruz. you were watching him, do you see a future opponent there? >> well, the democratic party has a problem, which is if you look at the whole convention here, you did not see a single hispanic elected official elected statewide speaking at this convention. a week ago in tampa, you had two sitting governors, both of whom are hispanic, susanna martinez and sandoval. you had senator marco rubio. then me from our campaign in texas. there is a stark difference. and i think part of the reason is, in the democrat -- the democratic party likes to put everyone in these categories and they pigeon hole you that you're the, quote, hispanic politician