secretariry for the obama for america presidential campaign. thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. martha: you watched report when we were in tampa last week. the thrust for the romney-ryan campaign was we deserve better. we can do better than with we're getting right now. what do you think?. >> the question is what they are offering? we certainly didn't hear much about that last week. we didn't hear about their budget plan which would turn medicare into a voucher program. if you're a student would be harder to get a loan. didn't hear about their $5 trillion tax cuts for the wealthiest americans on the backs of middle class and on the backs of seniors. that will be difference in charlotte this week. you will hear a road map from the president how we restore economic security for the middle class. we've made progress but there is more work to be done. martha: there is the big question whether or not you get a bounce out of it. no doubt you hope to get a bounce out of the convention. it is a huge evident and big moment to launch the president. let's see "real clear politics" numbers.