do you believe we are on the right path the we have increased government employees. they ran up a lot of government employees during the bush years and in montana we have decreased government employees by 4.2%. even though we have decreased government employees and increased employment in the private sector. most people think that is moving in the right direction. >> shannon: what do you say to the voters that are unconvinced. we show the race tightening where you are in north carolina, mr. romney has very small lead. but states, ohio, virginia, colorado and others, what would you say to convince voters who seem to be, this is narrowing gap at this point and may be coming off the convention that romney-ryan ticket has some momentum? >> it is going to be a competitive race. there is no question about it. i think people wanted to look at governor romney's record as governor. that is the only thing he has actually served as. we were both businessmen when we