mistrial unless the prosecution is stretching it every point, to try to get this, this is a weak circumstantial case. >> i understand. >> they're going to have problems. >> understand your point but i don't think the side bars are a result of that. whenever there is testimony that is daming testimony there will be objection. there has to be a proper ruling. as a result you have a sidebar in order to determine whether it is admissible evidence or up ad missable. but you have to concede --. uma: what do you think the effect of testimony is going to have? she doubted that she died from simply falling. >> i understand that she also said it probably couldn't have been knocked out from simply falling in the bathtub. number one people get knocked out from falling in bathtubs all the time. takes different amounting pressure to knock different people out. i don't know how the pathologist couldn't say a person could not be knocked