having nothing to do my crime but status. once a human individual comes forward and says that it's ripe. until then it's not ripe. >> another provision the issue here is the harboring of illegal aliens also. also at issue. but, again, what are the damages? what's the claim? if thes there really a case or controversy which goes right to the heart of it. >> no case or controversy right now. we're not talking about apples and oranges. talking about in a legal sense whether something is ripe in front of the court. not ripe yet. until there is individual harm or somebody is charged with the harboring. it's not ripe and it's not going to go. >> of course this is spearheaded by the aclu again. until they get a plaintiff or someone that's been wronged sorry you are out. >> there has to be an actual case. just because you don't like a law doesn't give you grounds to challenge it unless have you been adversely affected and there is a specific case. >> correct. that's what the supreme court says as well. >> let's move on to the toddlers and tiaras because you both were pageant girls at