what do you think republicans should do? should they remain in the conversation on medicare or should they release to the public in the last 11 weeks before the election a detailed plan on job creation? >> well, let me just say this. i think it is brilliantly bold and brilliantly, just smart politics for ryan, romney-ryan team to do this. why? because the democrats were going to attack him on it anyway as soon as paul ryan was selected. they were going after medicare. instead we are, the campaign did what we call, political jujitsu. we took the opponents energy flipped it and gone on the attack against president obama's campaign and said look, you will take $700 billion out of medicare to pay for obamacare. it is smart. it put them on the defensive. what they're doing now over the next week or so they're beginning to neutralize this issue. turn a positive impression --. jenna: ron, once you make that switch, you got the jujitsu move? >> switch it during the convention.