wrong and we welcome this debate and i think that is we you see governor romney, paul ryan in florida yesterday talking about the need to save this for future generations to repeal obama care and restore the cuts and reform it to save it. >> chris: let's talk about the governor's long-term solution and this is what you are talking about turning it into a premium support plan but that doesn't start again i want to point out until 2023 for people now under the age of 55. the nonpartisan congressional budget office says this. let's put it up on the screen. under the proposal the gradually increasing number of medicare beneficiaries participating in the new premium support program would bear a much larger share of the healthcare costs than under the traditional or healthcare program. according to one estimate, ed, $6,400 in added costs because the premium supports are not going to cover all of their healthcare costs. >> that $6,400 estimate i think is like an assumption. it reminds me a little bit of steve martin's book how to